The live-action One Piece TV series for Netflix is currently in production of Season 2. Taz Skylar, the actor who plays the live-action version of Sanji, revealed he recently got a tattoo that was specially designed by the creator of One Piece.
The YouTube channel Serieously interviewed Skylar when the actor attended the 2024 Paris Fan Festival. Through a goofy “Spin the Wheel” type game, Skylar brought up a very interesting encounter he had with the author of One Piece. Oda, who serves as an executive producer on the One Piece Netflix show, designed an original tattoo for Skylar when he specifically requested one from Oda.
"I wanted to get a One Piece tattoo for a while,” Skylar said. “So, I asked Oda if he could draw us something specific and he drew this for us. Every part of the figure's body is a letter, all of which together spell One Piece." While the video doesn’t offer a good look at Skylar’s tattoo, the actor’s past social media posts provide a better look at Oda’s design. The inked tattoo appears to be an image of a little skull guy that has the “E” from “One Piece” as its body.
“I finally got my One Piece Tattoo,” Skylar wrote on Instagram. “And I got it in the same way I’ve gotten all my tattoos… By randomly walking into a cool shop in the middle of a new town and finding a pure soul, with whom I want to sit down for a few hours, to etch a memory on my skin. Thank you, Zumi Mathieu, for being a dream and for jumping straight into my two ideas. Can anyone guess why I got it on my leg though?”
As fans most likely guessed, the reason why Skylar got his One Piece tattoo on his leg is because Sanji’s weapons of choice are his feet. The tattoo placement is even more significant now that it’s been revealed that Oda was the one who designed Skylar’s tattoo. In April, Skylar and some of the other live-action actors on the One Piece TV series answered various questions that ranged from “What is your favorite anime?” to “Who is your anime waifu?”
When Will One Piece Return With Season 2 on Netflix?
Currently, there is no specific release date for One Piece Season 2 on Netflix. However, the actor who portrays Monkey D. Luffy on the show, recently teased the introduction of Mr. 3 and more. The TV series is also undergoing a big creative change in its staff.
Source: YouTube