Sunday, June 28, 2020

One Piece: 5 Times It Proved To Be The Best Anime Of Its Generation (& 5 Times It Fell Short)

There are dozens of shounen anime series that have left incredible marks on the anime industry as a whole. Eiichiro Oda’s iconic pirate action anime series, One Piece has been around for over two decades and nearly 1000 episodes. The anime is still one of the most popular in its genre.

One Piece has achieved incredible things since its humble beginnings, but it's far from a perfect series. With the series' length becoming increasingly intimidating, it doesn't hurt to take stock on the series. Accordingly, here are five times that One Piece proved to be the best anime of its generation and five times that it fell short.

10 Best Anime: The Enies Lobby Arc

The longer One Piece goes on, the more frivolous filler arcs it adds. The high points are harder to register when they're hidden among such excess, but the arcs that work in the first half of the series are true triumphs. There are many high points, but the Enies Lobby Arc is One Piece at its best.

It's a tight, suspenseful chapter of the anime that features some of the show's best villains and throws many unexpected challenges in Luffy's way. It holds up incredibly well and establishes the storytelling heights that the show can achieve.

9 Fell Short: The Animation In The Series’ Later Half

As much as strong storytelling and engaging characters are crucial to creating a successful anime series, it goes without saying that the show also has to be aesthetically pleasing. One Piece is produced by the acclaimed Toei Animation and the start of the show has a very pleasant look.

However, Toei splits their resources the further the show goes on and the animation takes a serious dive post-episode 500. Some arcs are borderline ruined because of the shoddy animation that holds them back, like the Dressrosa Arc.

8 Best Anime: Robin’s “I Want To Live” Moment

Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates have made a lot of enemies along the way, but one of the most touching moments in the whole anime is when they intentionally bring on war with the World Government as a sign of commitment towards Robin.

Robin's concern that Luffy and company will eventually abandon her is such a human moment and the way in which the gang does not hesitate to ruin their reputations for Robin's sake is exactly why One Piece is so special. Robin's grateful "I want to live" affirmation still causes goosebumps.

7 Fell Short: The Rampant Filler

Filler is the bane of any long-running anime series, but it’s becoming an increasing problem in One Piece. It’s natural for filler to be resorted to so an anime series doesn’t go too far past the manga’s story. At this point, over 10% and nearly 100 episodes of One Piece are filler and it dilutes what is actually good.

The filler episodes during the Davy Back Fight material are especially painful, as is the material that adds Ace during the Alabasta Arc. Not only does this filler waste time and ruin momentum, but they clash with the established canon, too.

6 Best Anime: The Confrontation Between Luffy & Usopp

It's always difficult to lose friends, but the moments in One Piece where the Straw Hat Pirates come to blows and fall apart hit especially hard. The schism that forms between Luffy and Usopp over the topic of their ship is the first time the pirates hit difficult territory and learn that their allies can also turn into foes.

The ensuing fight is hard for both parties since neither one is technically wrong. Usopp’s motivations are painful but clear. The rift marks a major loss and turning point in the series.

5 Fell Short: The Repetitive Story Arcs

It's easy for long-running anime to fall into patterns or repeat some of their more popular moves, but it's becoming a growing problem in One Piece. There's a real formula where Luffy and company land on a new and dangerous island, help out the royal family, and eventually overcome the foe and make a whole lot of fresh friends.

The consistently new characters add variety, but the repetitive formula becomes clear by the time the Wano Arc kicks in. At that point, it has been done several times before and feels less inspired each time.

4 Best Anime: The Fight Between Luffy & Sanji

Every time the Straw Pirates lose a member it stings Luffy more than anyone, but it helps him learn the stresses of being a captain. One of the most difficult exits comes from Sanji. The epic two-part conflict sees Sanji return to his aristocratic roots and leave Luffy and his crew behind.

This exit hurts Sanji just as much as Luffy, but the latter's heartfelt announcement that he needs Sanji or he can't complete his mission is so sincere. Luffy never fully recovers from this loss, but he learns to move on.

3 Fell Short: The Over-Use Of Devil Fruit

Part of what drives shounen series forward is a rotating roster of increasingly strong opponents. One Piece subscribes to this notion and Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates are constantly pushed to their limits and forced to go further.

Initially, the Devil Fruit was a special and rare way for characters like Luffy to gain a creative advantage, but as the series goes on this magical fruit has become more pedestrian. Nowadays, Devil Fruit users are practically the norm and even irrelevant enemies are sometimes worthy of the fruit.

2 Best Anime: Going Merry’s Viking Funeral

Every member of Luffy's Straw Hat Pirates crew make valuable contributions to the team, but it can be easy to forget that the vessel that the crew does their traveling on is also just as much a part of the team.

The Going Merry was the Straw Hats' first ship and it was a devastating moment once it reached a point beyond repair. The funeral for the ship is the most emotional moment of the series and Merry's spirit apologizing to Luffy for not lasting longer is just brutal.

1 Fell Short: The Loss & Return Of Straw Hat Pirates

The real heart of One Piece is Luffy's bond with his Straw Hat Pirate crew. Family is essential between everyone, but that doesn't stop various members of the crew from leaving over the years. Nami, Robin, Usopp, Chopper, and Sanji have all departed the crew, only to eventually return after different amounts of time.

These exits are difficult for Luffy, but they begin to feel manipulative after they continue to happen and never appear to be permanent. Everyone returning to Luffy has weakened the dramatic weight of such moments.
