Tuesday, July 21, 2020

One Piece: 10 Strongest Organizations In The Series, Ranked

The world of One Piece is filled with some incredibly powerful organizations that are created either to further the cause of certain pirates or to maintain control over certain territories.

In an era where the fight for control of the seas appears to be the most important thing, fans have seen the formation of several powerful organizations. These range from groups that want to bring about a change in the world to those who want to seize power for themselves. Here are the top 10 strongest known organizations in the world of One Piece.

10 Baroque Works

Baroque Works was an organization led by the former Warlord of the Sea, Crocodile. His aim was to eventually take over Alabasta and get his hands on the Ancient Weapon Pluton. Over the years, Crocodile had built a massive network of criminals working under him as members of Baroque Works. These included the Millions, the Billions, the Numbered Agents, and finally the Officer Agents, all of which were extremely powerful.

9  The Nine Red Scabbards

The Nine Red Scabbards, also known as the Akazaya Nine, are the retainers of Kozuki Oden, the former Daimyo of Wano's Kuri region. At some point in their lives, they were all saved by Oden in some way which is how they ended up swearing their loyalty to Oden and the Kozuki clan. Their strength was revered throughout the country around 20 years ago, and even now, they are considered to be extremely powerful. They aim to take down Kaido during the Fire Festival on Onigashima.

8 Germa 66

Germa 66 is the military face of the Germa Kingdom, and at the same time, an underworld power that is led by Sanji's biological father, Vinsmoke Judge. This organization of mercenaries consists of soldiers cloned with incredible technology, something that even Charlotte Linlin sought. At the helm of the organization is the Vinsmoke Family, which consists of some of the strongest characters in the entire series in Reiju and her remaining siblings.

7 Worst Generation

Worst Generation is a group of pirates that arrived on Sabaody Archipelago prior to the Summit War, with the sole exception of Blackbeard. They are quite a powerful bunch who have different aims, with most gunning for the title of the Pirate King.

Although they don't work together generally, they're still a group that pose a tremendous danger to the World Government, which is why they're dealt with extremely cautiously.

6 Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance

Created at Zou, the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance consists of some of the strongest people in the entire One Piece world. They include the Strawhat Pirates, Heart Pirates, the Mink Tribe, and the ninjas & samurai of Wano Country. Their aim is to take down Kaido of the Four Emperors and open the borders of Wano Country. In doing so, they want to fulfill the wishes of Kozuki Oden and carry out his last wishes.


SSG, or the Special Science Group, was created by Dr. Vegapunk in an attempt to replace the Shichibukai in the Three Great Powers of the One Piece world. Their exact strength is unknown, but according to Fujitora and Brannew, they are powerful enough to successfully replace the Shichibukai, which means they're relative in terms of power. In the future, fans will likely see more of what they're capable of doing.

4 Shichibukai

The Shichibukai, also known as the Seven Warlords of the Sea, were an organization of pirates that were hired by the government to stop other pirates in exchange for complete freedom from being pursued actively by the Navy.

They were among the Three Great Powers of the One Piece world until recently. The Shichibukai system is effectively dissolved now.

3 Revolutionary Army

Led by Luffy's father, Monkey D. Dragon, the Revolutionary Army is one of the biggest powers in the world of One Piece. They are aiming to overthrow the Celestial Dragons that rule the World Government and to liberate countries from the wretched rule of the Nobles. Dragon is known to be the worst criminal in the entire world while his subordinates, such as Sabo, are powerful enough to go head-to-head against a Navy Admiral.

2 Marines

The Marines are one of the Three Great Powers in the world of One Piece. They are the military face of the World Government who are primarily tasked with hunting down pirates and other criminals, along with protecting those who need their help. Their ranks are filled with some extremely powerful people and when combined with the SSG or the Shichibukai, they become powerful enough to challenge the Yonko themselves.

1 Yonko

The Yonko are the four strongest pirates in the One Piece world who are known to be the Kings of the New World. Their power and influence are such that even the World Government hesitates to directly oppose them. The Yonko include Big Mom, Kaido, Shanks, and Blackbeard at the moment. Without a doubt, they're the strongest people in One Piece right now.
