Tuesday, August 25, 2020

One Piece: 10 Devil Fruits That Are Insanely Underrated

There is no power system in the anime medium that can rival the Devil Fruits’ state of perfect equilibrium. This One Piece power system is easily one of the simplest and most straightforward, yet it holds so much complexity and remains shrouded in a veil of mystery.

Throughout the series’ run, plenty of Devil Fruits have been introduced. Some of these could be considered cannon fodder just as their users; while others left a deep memorable impression on the audience. If One Piece taught fans one thing, then it’s that there is no such thing as a useless Devil Fruit, only unskilled users. With that being said, there are times when a good Devil Fruit falls in the hands of a skilled user but it still gets overlooked.

10 Door-Door Fruit

The Door-Door fruit was introduced in the Water 7 saga. It’s a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that was eaten by Blueno, a previous member of the CP9.

The ability granted by this Devil Fruit is overpowered. The capability to create doors on any given surface, including the air itself, has a wide variety of uses. It could be used for espionage and stealth work or even just teleportation. With this bad boy in hand, almost no enemy in the world can hope to pin down its user.

9 Swamp-Swamp Fruit

The Swamp-Swamp fruit is mainly underrated due to its user, Caribou. As the Devil Fruit is of the Logia category, it being overpowered is a given. Those without Haki can forget about harming Caribou, and this can mean near-invincibility in the first half of the Grand Line.

Another ability that this fruit can grant is near-infinite storage capacity. Everything that goes into the swamp, stays in the swamp. Caribou used this auxiliary ability to abduct multiple mermaids without causing much of a scene.

8 Barrier-Barrier Fruit

A Barrier that is semi-indestructible is an ability that even Yonko-class heavy hitters would desire. According to its previous wielder, Kurozumi Semimaru, the barriers conjured by this Devil Fruit can easily withstand a barrage of attacks from the man himself, Kozuki Oden.

That is the very same Kozuki Oden who left a permanent scar on Kaido, a man/creature known for his invincibility. Hopefully, this puts things into perspective.

7 Human-Human Fruit

Before jumping into conclusions, one has to understand that Chopper was but a wandering reindeer prior to eating this Devil Fruit. After eating it, not only did Chopper acquire a human-level intelligence, but he also gained way more than that.

What is criminally overlooked about the Human-Human Fruit is the superintelligence that Chopper received. A human, such as Luffy, has absolutely zero chances of becoming a talented doctor like Chopper. Let that sink in.

6 Human-Human Fruit, Model: Daibutsu

The same as the aforementioned Devil Fruit, but of a different model. This model Daibutsu is one of the rarest Devil Fruits in the world of One Piece; even rarer than Logia.

It’s a Mythical Zoan that comes with multiple equally-overpowered abilities, and fans have only seen the tip of the iceberg when it comes to its potential. Both Devil Fruit and the user share the same fate of being underrated.

5 Clear-Clear Fruit

A simple argument that could possibly discredit this Devil Fruit for good is Observational Haki. Having said so, it’s the very same argument – Haki – that is capable of making this Devil Fruit shine.

As showcased by Rayleigh, an advanced Haki user can successfully eliminate their entire presence; rendering them nigh-undetectable. If the Clear-Clear Fruit was augmented with advanced Haki, then the result would be striking, to say the least.

4 Weapon-Weapon Fruit

The Weapon-Weapon Fruit was eaten by Baby 5; a previous Donquixote Officer and Sai's current spouse. This Devil Fruit allows its user to transform a part of, or their entire body, into a weapon. If it does exactly what it says it does, then that makes it one of the series' most overwhelming Devil Fruits.

Baby 5 was shown to be able to transform into a bomb; therefore, does that mean that with enough knowledge (or imagination) she could transform into a nuclear weapon?

3 Chop-Chop Fruit

Do not be misdirected by the comic nature of this fruit and its user. One of the abilities it grants is complete slice damage immunity. It seems apparent that slices from a random ragtag cannon fodder and slices from the World’s Strongest Swordsman all prove futile against its wielder, which protects Buggs from a lot of potential enemies.

Buggy D Clown and his Devil Fruit should get the full recognition they very much deserve.

2 Hobby-Hobby Fruit

If used correctly, there exists no opponent that this Devil Fruit can not topple – Yonkos included. Doflamingo’s entire regime was based on this Hobby-Hobby Fruit; without it, he would’ve had a much harder time expanding his underground influence.

Basically, anyone who Sugar makes physical contact with can fall victim to its effects. While this Devil Fruit might not be necessarily underrated, it does not get the attention it deserves either.

1 Rumble-Rumble Fruit

The Rumble-Rumble Fruit is the kind of Devil Fruit that belongs in endgame content. It’s far too overpowered to be situated in the first half of the series. If it – alongside Enel – does not make a comeback sometimes in the future, then that’d be a serious waste of potential.

Some of this fruit’s perks include the ability to conjure, manipulate, and transform into electricity as well as providing an unrealistic range of Observational Haki.
