Sunday, November 1, 2020

One Piece: 10 Best Fights In The Dressrosa Arc, Ranked

The Dressrosa saga is one of the longest most exciting arcs in One Piece. The premise, build-up, and execution of the saga were all beyond phenomenal; some would even argue that the Dressrosa arc is among the best of what One Piece has to offer.

Every aspect that builds up this grand saga is quite notable on its own. The characters were interesting, the sequence was well-structured, and above all, the fights were engaging. What separates the fights featured in Dressrosa from the One Piece fights in previous arcs is undoubtedly the hype at play. The entire Fishman Island Saga that preceded Dressrosa acted as a hype-inducing saga. The true limits of the Straw Hats were only explored in Dressrosa, bringing an excitement to the arc's fights.

10 Corrida Colosseum Battles

The Dressrosa arc was akin to a colosseum. The quantity and quality of the fights in this arc could only be rivaled by a handful of counterpart arcs. Perhaps only in the Marineford did the series experience such a brawl-for-all. The Corrida Colosseum battles, which took place in the first half of the arc, were some of the most notable. It served as a perfect introductory stage for the many characters who were to debut.

9 Smoker And Law Vs Vergo

This particular fight solidified Law’s position as one of the toughest Supernovas. Of course, Smoker’s role in the fight deserves a mention as well – though it could be said his part be lacking when all the hype is taken into consideration.

There was a lot at stake in this battle and the two couldn’t afford to lose. Though they were technically enemies, Smoker and Law had to work side by side to secure that victory.

8 Law Vs Smoker

Prior to engaging Vergo as a team, Smoker and Law had a not-so-friendly encounter with each other. Again, the two are technically enemies, and Smoker isn’t one to slack while on duty. Needless to be said, the results of the fight were in Law’s favor by a large margin. Smoker and his men did put in a good fight, but they just weren’t cut to bring down the latter – or even make him break a sweat for that matter.

7 Luffy Vs Caesar

For a final fight, the battle between Luffy and the Mad Scientist, Caesar Clown, was unbelievably mild. No limits needed to be broken, and no reinforcements needed to be called. In one of his easiest fights to date, Luffy knocked down Caesar with one badass ‘Grizzly Magnum’. But again, Caesar is more of an evil scientist than he is a fighter. It would only make sense for him to get bodied by the newly rejuvenated Luffy.

6 Zoro Vs Fujitora

Sword fights are always welcome, even more so when they are between two equally skilled swordsmen – Zoro and Admiral Fujitora. While this clash between Zoro and Fujitora wasn’t a full-fledged battle, it was more than entertaining nonetheless. Truthfully, any battle – no matter how short – including either Zoro or an admiral will be worthwhile.

5 Luffy Vs Fujitora

Every fan knows that most encounters the Straw Hats had with marine admirals were skirmishes at best. As the Marines’ strongest fighting forces, it wouldn’t be beyond an admiral’s capabilities to subdue a rising crew like our band of heroes.

Naturally, the same could be said for the mini-fight between Luffy and Fujitora. It was nice seeing Luffy throwing hands with a heavy-hitter, but it can’t be argued that Fujitora was giving it his all.

4 The Straw Hats Vs Big Mom Pirates

Not to forget the rest of the gang, Sanji and the rest of the Zou team had their own portion of fun on their route to Zou. Out of absolutely nowhere, The Big Mom Pirates’ flagship, Queen Mama Chanter, popped up and confronted Thousand Sunny. As retaliation, the Straw Hats pulled off an intricate teamwork attack and managed to push away the assaulters. This particular event served as the groundwork for the next couple of arcs.

3 Zoro Vs Pica

Most fans speculated that Dressrosa would be the arc where Zoro showcases his 100%, but were they wrong. Not only did Pica not push Zoro to his limits, he also failed to pose any challenge to the swordsman whatsoever. With a bunch of arcs following the timeskip, fans still have no idea where Zoro’s true limits lie.

2 Sabo Vs Fujitora

The chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army clashing with an esteemed marine admiral was definitely a fight to marvel at. While it’s true that both parties were holding back the entire time, they still managed to put up an entertaining battle. If two men of their caliber were to go at it with zero restraint, the Kingdom of Dressrosa would be reduced to toast.

1 Luffy Vs Doflamingo

As the highlight of the Dressrosa arc, the fight between Luffy and Doflamingo is easily among the most impressive in the series. The only downside has to be the slow pacing. That on top of the filler content sprinkled all over the place makes the fight harder to watch in one sitting. With that being said though, this was an anime-exclusive issue that manga readers didn’t have to deal with.

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