Sunday, October 15, 2023

Everything We Know About Dragon Ball Daima

Dragon Ball is a global phenomenon that’s become far bigger than just a manga or anime series. Dragon Ball has been at the top of its game for decades and influenced countless other shonen series, but fans have been eagerly awaiting the announcement of a new anime series. New York Comic Con 2023 marked the announcement of Dragon Ball Daima, an upcoming anime spin-off that will give fans plenty of new Dragon Ball adventures.

Details have been sparse regarding Dragon Ball Daima. However, some important information has been revealed that’s essential for understanding this new Dragon Ball series and where it fits in with the rest of the franchise.

10 Its Plot Involves Dragon Ball’s Cast Getting Turned Into Kids

Everything We Know About Dragon Ball Daima

Dragon Ball has a beloved and established that make audiences willing to watch them do whatever. The events aren’t as important as the opportunity to spend more time with these characters. That being said, an engaging story can set a series up for success.

Dragon Ball Daima involves a demon who transforms Goku, Supreme Kai, and the rest of the show’s characters into children, presumably with the help of the Dragon Balls. Daima’s goal revolves around Goku traveling across the universe to reverse this curse.

9 Akira Toriyama Is Deeply Involved

Everything We Know About Dragon Ball Daima

As Dragon Ball’s creator, Akira Toriyama gets the final word on what’s properly canon and his heavy involvement in any Dragon Ball property bodes well for its success. Dragon Ball Daima proudly advertises that Toriyama isn't just involved with the anime, but that he's responsible for the original series' idea, story, and character designs.

Toriyama's investment in Dragon Ball Daima and helping shepherd in its execution makes it easier to get on board with its polarizing concept. Daima is currently being regarded as a spin-off series, but Toriyama's involvement means that it will also be canon.

8 It Has A Fall 2024 Release To Celebrate Dragon Ball’s 40th Anniversary

Everything We Know About Dragon Ball Daima

Dragon Ball Super’s ongoing anime series ended over five years ago and ever since the fans have been curious to see what’s next. Fortunately, Toei Animation isn’t making its audience wait too long for Dragon Ball Daima. The new Dragon Ball anime doesn’t have an official release date – or airing schedule or episode order, for that matter – beyond Fall 2024.

This is a particularly momentous time for the franchise since it will mark Dragon Ball’s 40th anniversary. It seems like Daima was even put together as a way to celebrate four decades of Dragon Ball.

7 It’s Set Before The Events Of Dragon Ball Super

Everything We Know About Dragon Ball Daima

Dragon Ball has developed a surprisingly complex timeline and non-linear chronology that’s allowed it to explore some curious decisions. Dragon Ball Super, for instance, is set after Kid Buu’s defeat. However, the entire series still takes place before the ten-year time-skip that occurs at the end of Dragon Ball Z. Dragon Ball Daima fits into the grander timeline after Kid Buu, but before Beerus’ arrival.

This means that Beerus and Whis won’t be present for these new adventures, but that Super transformations like Super Saiyan Blue and Ultra Instinct will also be off the table. It’s also possible that Daima’s specific placement in Dragon Ball’s timeline means that its events might get referenced later in Dragon Ball Super.

6 Daima Will Likely Stream

Everything We Know About Dragon Ball Daima

Toei’s presentation at New York Comic Con proudly announced Dragon Ball Daima’s broad release date, but not where audiences would be able to watch it. The core Dragon Ball series have all aired on television, but there have been predictions that Dragon Ball Daima will actually be an ONA (original net animation) web series. Other Dragon Ball web series like Super Dragon Ball Heroes are treated like lesser properties than their TV counterparts.

Hopefully these prejudices won’t carry over to Dragon Ball Daima, especially with Toriyama on board. Audiences are expecting weekly TV releases, but Dragon Ball Daima could actually have a more irregular online release schedule with episodes that are shorter than the 23-minute broadcast standard.

5 Acclaimed Animator & Super Saiyan 4 Creator, Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru, Will Be Involved

Everything We Know About Dragon Ball Daima

Akira Toriyama is the biggest name that’s been linked to Dragon Ball Daima, but another familiar face from the Dragon Ball family that will be involved is Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru. Nakatsuru has a rich history as an animator and character creator for Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT.

One of Nakatsuru’s greatest contributions to Dragon Ball is that he’s responsible for Dragon Ball GT’s Super Saiyan 4 designs. Nakatsuru’s involvement in Dragon Ball Daima is hardly a confirmation that Super Saiyan 4 is set to make a return, but it does mean that Daima will likely feature unusual characters and transformations that resemble those of Dragon Ball GT.

4 Supreme Kai Will Be A Central Character

Everything We Know About Dragon Ball Daima

One of the most surprising details about Dragon Ball Daima is that Supreme Kai, who also gets turned into a child, appears to be Goku’s primary sidekick on this adventure. Goku must travel to new, magical places in order to restore himself and his friends back to normal. Goku is used to Vegeta, Piccolo, and Gohan being his primary support.

These characters are all present in Dragon Ball Daima, but they seem to get left behind as Goku embarks on a cryptic quest with Shin. Shin has always been a compelling character who’s worthy of more attention, and it should be interesting to see why he’s such a crucial part of Dragon Ball Daima’s story.

3 An English Dub Is Not Yet Confirmed

Everything We Know About Dragon Ball Daima

Dragon Ball is such a major anime property on an international level that it would seem foolish to not produce an English dub for Dragon Ball Daima. An English dub is likely, but Daima’s New York Comic Con reveal didn’t include any details on this front, let alone if it would be streaming on Crunchyroll with the rest of Dragon Ball.

A Dragon Ball Daima dub is practically a guarantee, but there’s also the question of when this version would arrive. There was a lengthy gap between Dragon Ball Super’s initial airings and the start of its dub. Fans might expect simul-dub releases. However, there could be an even longer wait than Fall 2024 to get Daima in English.

2 Daima Is Not A Reboot Of GT

Everything We Know About Dragon Ball Daima

Dragon Ball GT is a polarizing chapter in the franchise that’s largely been made irrelevant due to Dragon Ball Super’s alternative storytelling. Dragon Ball Daima appears to share a strange amount in common with Dragon Ball GT, such as the central premise where Goku gets turned into a kid.

However, the cast’s chibi makeover doesn’t mean that Dragon Ball Daima is designed to be a retelling of Dragon Ball GT or even a replacement. Similar ideas and themes may be present in Daima, but it’s extremely unlikely that the series will go on to feature villains and concepts like Baby, Super 17, and the Shadow Dragons. Dragon Ball Daima is its own distinct entity.

1 Daim Won't Replace Dragon Ball Super

Everything We Know About Dragon Ball Daima

Dragon Ball Super’s manga has gotten quite far along in its story since its anime counterpart’s conclusion in 2018. Audiences have been convinced that a new Dragon Ball Super sequel series is imminent that will adapt the manga’s story arcs with Moro and Granolah. Dragon Ball Daima completely avoids Dragon Ball Super’s manga, but that doesn’t mean that a proper Super sequel isn’t still on the way.

Dragon Ball Daima is a playful spin-off that’s meant to celebrate the franchise rather than set the path for its future. Another Dragon Ball anime could even secretly be in production alongside Dragon Ball Daima. The success of Super’s feature films and manga means that its ongoing story is far from over.
