Wednesday, May 1, 2024

10 Dragon Ball Characters Who Only Made it Because of Hard Work

Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball is rich in incredibly powerful characters who have saved the world—and even the universe—on countless occasions. Dragon Ball’s heightened storytelling and action sequences naturally facilitate larger-than-life individuals who continually surpass their limits and prove that anything is possible. Some of these individuals are biologically advantaged to possess overwhelming strength due to their alien heritages.

That being said, the majority of Dragon Ball’s characters wouldn’t be where they are today without putting in hard work to reach new milestones. Training is a necessity in Dragon Ball and impressive work ethics are evidently just as important as powerful attack arsenals and intimidating transformations. There are certain Dragon Ball characters who go above and beyond in this regard and have become the franchise’s strongest fighters because of their tireless work to be better.

10 Uub Is Destined To Become Earth’s Strongest Hero After He Puts In The Work With Goku

Anime Debut: Dragon Ball Z, Episode 289, "Granddaughter Pan"; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball Z, Chapter 324 (Dragon Ball Chapter 518), "10 Years After"

Dragon Ball Z ends on a somewhat surprising note where Goku leaves his family and friends behind in order to train Uub to be Earth’s new protector. Goku first meets Uub at the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament, where he senses Kid Buu’s ki and deduces that this young child is the kind reincarnation of the evil menace. Uub has tremendous latent potential – arguably more than anyone else in Dragon Ball – but that all goes to waste if he doesn’t properly hone his abilities.

Dragon Ball GT picks up after Uub has tirelessly trained with Goku for five years and this hard work has definitely paid off. He’s one of Dragon Ball GT’s most valuable characters. Uub’s presence in Dragon Ball Super has been quite minimal, considering that the series takes place before Goku and Uub’s first meeting. However, it’s indicated that Uub works with the Grand Supreme Kai, who helps establish the fundamentals in this young warrior.

9 Granolah Becomes The Last Of His Cerealian Kind & Proves His Intense Commitment To Vengeance

Anime Debut: N/A; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 67, "Happy Endings...And Then..."

10 Dragon Ball Characters Who Only Made it Because of Hard Work

Granolah is an important character who currently remains restricted to Dragon Ball Super's ongoing manga. Granolah is the last of the Cerealians, a technologically advanced race whose planet was ravaged by the Saiyans. Granolah survives this massacre and spends his entire life perfecting his skills and working towards getting revenge for his fallen people. Granolah aligns himself with the Heeter Force, who admittedly manipulates the warrior. However, they still help put him on a productive path through his galactic pursuits and missions.

Granolah’s introduction in Dragon Ball Super’s manga coincides with him making a volatile Dragon Ball wish to Toronbo, Planet Cereal’s Eternal Dragon. Granolah wishes to become the strongest in Universe 7, albeit at the cost of a significantly shortened lifespan. This shortcut to success may not be the same as consistent training. However, the fact that Granolah bravely accepts these dire consequences speaks to his commitment towards his cause. He’s willing to go to extreme measures in order to become the best.

8 Krillin Has Dutifully Studied Under Master Roshi & Prepared For Apocalyptic Assaults

Anime Debut: Dragon Ball, Episode 14, "Goku's Rival"; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball, Chapter 25, "A Rival Arrives!!"

Krillin occasionally gets overlooked among Dragon Ball’s pantheon of powerful players because he’s just a human. Nevertheless, Krillin’s accomplishments are even more impressive due to his limitations on this front and he’s an inspirational example of what’s possible with the right level of training and dedication. Krillin begins to learn under Master Roshi in tandem with Goku, which becomes a fruitful process that lasts for the entirety of the original series.

Additionally, Krillin takes each of Dragon Ball Z’s impending enemies incredibly seriously and he immerses himself in training while the heroes prepare for the Saiyan and Android invasions. Krillin’s skills admittedly regress during Dragon Ball Super’s Buu Saga and Dragon Ball Super’s beginning. However, he properly gets his groove back during the Tournament of Power and becomes an important sparring partner for Goku. Krillin’s participation in the tournament – not to mention his strong performance in the proceedings—would not be possible without this dedicated work ethic.

7 Tien Has Devoted His Entire Life To Taxing Training & Hard Work

Anime Debut: Dragon Ball, Episode 82, "The Rampage Of InoShikaCho"; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball, Chapter 113, "Return To The Tournament"

Tien enters Dragon Ball as one of Master Shen’s Crane School students and a worthy adversary to Goku. Master Shen has twisted intentions, but Tien still leaves the experience with incredible knowledge and techniques, like the Dodon Ray. Tien defects to Master Roshi’s Turtle School, where he grows even more as a martial artist. Tien recedes into Dragon Ball Z’s background after the Cell Saga, but it’s clear that he never turns his back on training.

Dragon Ball Z’s filler episodes even chronicle his efforts on King Kai’s Planet. Dragon Ball Super touches base with Tien when the Tournament of Power approaches and it’s revealed that he’s formed his own martial arts dojo. Tien does great work in the Tournament of Power, while he also showcases new powers like his Neo Tri-Beam attack. Tien has accomplished incredible things because of his endless dedication to his craft, even if much of his progress has occurred off-screen.

6 Piccolo Adopts A Dedicated Lifestyle Of Meditation & Self-Improvement

Anime Debut: Dragon Ball, Episode 123, "Lost And Found"; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball, Chapter 161, "The Fist Of Son Goku"

Piccolo comes into the world with incredible strength, but his ongoing accomplishments are the direct result of the intense work that he puts into training and self-improvement. Many of Piccolo’s signature traits, like his weighted clothing, are designed to make him stronger and surpass his limits. Dragon Ball proves that Piccolo is incredibly committed to not just strenuous training, but also focused meditation, so that his mental fortitude is as resilient as his physical strength.

What’s important about Piccolo is that he doesn’t just train himself, but he also takes others under his wing, such as Gohan and Pan, as he helps them mature as martial artists. This requires his skill to remain sharp and he can’t regress on this front. Piccolo has also been willing to engage in permanent procedures, such as fusion with Nail and Kami, in order to grow stronger. Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero features the apex of Piccolo’s growth when he transcends to Orange Piccolo by putting in the hard work with Shenron.

5 Frieza Is A Galactic Tyrant Who Continually Reaches New Perilous Peaks

Anime Debut: Dragon Ball Z, Episode 44, "Brood Of Evil"; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball Z, Chapter 53 (Dragon Ball Chapter 247), "Planet Namek, Cold And Dark"

10 Dragon Ball Characters Who Only Made it Because of Hard Work

Dragon Ball is full of intimidating antagonists. However, Frieza is a special case who’s received more opportunities than any other villain. Frieza has been used to treating the galaxy like his personal playground for decades and his power isn't questioned until his climactic clash with Goku. Frieza spends a lengthy period out of the spotlight, but his return in Dragon Ball Super speaks to what he’s able to accomplish when he’s actually motivated to grow.

Golden Frieza is the result of the villain training for the first time in his life and it’s a bold metamorphosis that puts him on par with Super Saiyan Blue strength. Frieza continually weasels his way out of the afterlife and his hard work during the Tournament of Power earns him back his mortality. Frieza’s latest appearance posits that he’s now the strongest individual in Universe 7 due to a decade of undisturbed training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Black Frieza is the ultimate expression of hard work, which unfortunately puts the heroes in very real danger.

4 Gohan Has Spent The Majority Of His Life Locked In Cruel Combat

Anime Debut: Dragon Ball Z, Episode 1, "The New Threat"; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball Z, Chapter 2 (Dragon Ball Chapter 196), "Kakarrot"

Gohan is only four years old when Dragon Ball Z begins, yet he’s quickly forced to grow up and tackle incredible responsibilities after the passing of his father. Piccolo immerses Gohan in intense wilderness training, where he’s forced to fend for himself and master combat fundamentals. Gohan’s youth is marked by perpetual crises as he contributes in the battles against Nappa and Vegeta, the turmoil on Namek, and the Androids’ and Cell’s invasion. Gohan loses any sense of a normal childhood and he learns that hard work is essential for survival.

Gohan is able to temporarily relax during his teen years in high school, but even this is cut short once Buu hatches and he engages in training on the Sacred World of the Kai to unlock his full potential and achieve his Ultimate upgrade. Dragon Ball Super allows Goku and Vegeta to do a lot of the heavy lifting. However, Gohan still rises to the occasion when it’s necessary and his brutal Beast mode transformation is the culmination of a lifetime of training.

3 Future Trunks Survives His Fractured Timeline & Grows Into An Incredible Warrior

Anime Debut: Dragon Ball Z, Episode 119, "The Mysterious Youth"; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball Z, Chapter 136 (Dragon Ball Chapter 330), "The Coming Of King Cold"

Dragon Ball’s Future Trunks is a rewarding character who’s experienced incredible hardships throughout his life. In his original timeline, Future Trunks isn’t initially very special and it’s only after his rigorous training with Future Gohan that he becomes a powerful fighter who’s capable of Super Saiyan strength. Future Trunks travels to the past to deliver Goku’s heart medicine and warn them about the impending Androids, but he sticks around in this timeline and demonstrably improves through his Hyperbolic Time Chamber training with Vegeta.

Future Trunks is able to return to his timeline, stronger than ever, and finally capable of ending the apocalyptic nightmare that’s ravaged his reality. Future Trunks’ skills continue to grow in Dragon Ball Super and he becomes the heroes’ saving grace during the battle against Goku Black and Zamasu. Future Trunks’ Sword of Hope wouldn’t be possible without the Saiyan’s dutiful efforts.

2 Goku Is A Self-Made Saiyan Who’s Proven That Anything Is Possible

Anime Debut: Dragon Ball, Episode 1, "The Secret Of The Dragon Balls"; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball, Chapter 1, "Bloomers And The Monkey King"

It should come as no surprise that Dragon Ball’s main character has reached some of the most impressive milestones. However, Goku is someone who thrives on a good challenge and loves to immerse himself in training. He’s someone who can’t help but fully commit himself to hard work and pushing beyond his limits, even if there’s no immediate threat on the horizon.

The mere prospect of there being other powerful competitors out in the universe is enough to make Goku hunker down and explore new skills and strategies. Goku is fortunate enough to train under many diverse martial arts masters between Roshi, Mr. Popo and Korin, King Kai, Beerus, Whis, and Merus. This has helped Goku achieve the power of a God. His continued mastery over not just Super Saiyan transformations, but Ultra Instinct, is a testament to his never-ending desire to get stronger.

1 Vegeta Is A Crowning Achievement Of Pushing Saiyan Pride Past Its Limits

Anime Debut: Dragon Ball Z, Episode 5, "Gohan's Rage"; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball Z, Chapter 10 (Dragon Ball Chapter 204), "The Needs Of The Many"

Vegeta initially appears to have had many perks in life that have conditioned him to be an exceptional fighter. However, Vegeta’s early accomplishments are still the result of intense training and hard work, which he’s always viewed as the norm. Flashbacks reveal that Vegeta has taken on Saibamen as training exercises when he was just a child. He tirelessly pushes himself to new heights by training at more than 300x Earth’s gravity. He’s also a rare instance of someone who achieves Super Saiyan strength through sheer will and an intense resentment towards Goku.

Vegeta appears to accomplish a comparable milestone when it comes to unlocking the Super Saiyan God ability, which he does on his own, rather than with the help of a ceremony. Vegeta is guilty of certain shortcuts in life, whether it’s Babidi’s Majin power boost or Bulma’s Blutz Waves in Dragon Ball GT. However, Dragon Ball Super includes extended training sessions for Vegeta on Planet Yardrat and under Beerus and Whis’ tutelage. He acquires phenomenal power in the process, like Forced Spirit Fission, Instant Transmission, and even Hakai. Vegteta’s recent Ultra Ego transformation is an impressive reflection of how he’s able to continually push himself to new heights.

10 Dragon Ball Characters Who Only Made it Because of Hard Work